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  • SOEL

New Publication: Solid-State Anion Exchange for Enhanced Perovskite Optoelectronics

Date: April 28, 2024

SOEL, in collaboration with Prof. Yuan Liu and Prof. Yiliu Wang at Hunan University, published a paper titled "Solid-State Anion Exchange Enabled by Pluggable vdW Assembly for In Situ Halide Manipulation in Perovskite Monocrystalline Film" in Small 2024, 2402159. This research is co-authored by graduate student Zhiyao Zeng from SOEL.

Read the full article at Small.

Solid-State Anion Exchange Enabled by Pluggable vdW Assembly for In Situ Halide Manipulation in Perovskite Monocrystalline Film.

Weiqi Gao, Songlong Liu, Yang Chen, Kaixin Niu, Zheyi Lu, Zhiwei Li, Zhiyao Zeng, Yulong Xiao, Yaxin Zhai, Yuan Liu*, Yiliu Wang*

Small 2024, 2402159.



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